Here some other causes, the conjunctivitis conjunctivitis or pink eye can trigger another illness, you can treat with eye drops as is said. Here some other causes that can cause conjunctivitis. In many childhood diseases, viral conjunctivitis may occur such as measles, rubella or chicken pox, as so-called accompanying conjunctivitis. Here, the underlying disease must be treated. Keratoconjunctivitis epidemic is caused by an adenovirus. The treatment is symptomatic, with astringent eye drops and General painkillers.
Conjunctivitis can be triggered by parasites. Loiasis (LOA loa infection or filaria loa infection) occurs in the tropical West and Central Africa and is caused by the nematode Loa loa, which can grow up to seven inches long and be seen with the naked eye under the conjunctiva. The treatment is done by removing the worms with a pair of tweezers under local anaesthetic. Ohthalmomyiasis (larvae conjunctivitis) comes in regions with tropical or subtropical climate, such as Central and South America, before and is caused by flies laying eggs under the conjunctiva. Rarely, conjunctivitis caused by fungi. The treatment is carried out with a local application of antifungal drugs.
Pink eye can also be caused by allergies. Conjunktivitis phlyctaenulosa et scrofulosa is characterized by the periodic occurrence of bacterial allergic conjunctival and eyelid inflammation with small, Milky glassy, gray nodules of lymphocytes and plasma cells (so-called Phlyktanen). The nodules disappear without further complications within a few days, but it comes very often to relapse. Phlyktanen can also occur at the cornea, which leads to scarring of the cornea. The treatment is carried out by glukokortikoidhaltige eye drops and by tackling the underlying disease, such as tuberculosis. The spring catarrh (Conjunktivitis vernalis) probably linked to allergies in the context. It occurs mostly in spring and autumn. The conjunctiva is reddish discoloration, particularly on the upper eyelids or around the cornea and cobblestone-like changed. There is a proliferation of tissue with abundant Eosinophilic granulocytes. A foreign body sensation is symptomatic. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Mashable. The treatment is carried out with cromoglicinsaurehaltigen eye drops to the inhibition of histamine release from mast cells (Mastzelldegranulation), systemic antihistamines or locally effective steroid containing drugs. Sometimes the tissue proliferation must be surgically removed. The cause of the gigantopapillaren conjunctivitis is many years wearing soft contact lenses or glass eyes. Typical cobblestone-like (gigantopapillare) changes occur as allergic reaction against denatured proteins on the surface of contact lenses or the glass eye on the conjunctiva of the upper lids. As long as the inflammation continues, contact lens or artificial eye may not be worn. Then they need to be adjusted. Conjunktivitis allergica is an allergy, like against dust, makeup, pollen, or drugs, to reason, so a Hypersensitivity to a specific antigen (allergen). Symptoms are severe itching, increased tearing, eyelid swelling and increased Eosinophilic granulocytes in the tears. The avoidance of triggering Antigen, interrupting the allergic reaction by cromoglicinsaurehaltige eye drops and locally applied and anti-inflammatory acting Glucocorticoids are recommended as therapy. > Part 1: eye drops for conjunctivitis or pink eye