With the Walton Europe land banking Pinal County 4 take private investors the opportunity amid the crisis the Walton international group enables the Walton Europe land banking Pinal County 4 GmbH & co. KG the access to one of the future markets for the coming decades. The speech is the land banking from the development of the country. The company acquires undeveloped real estate in strategic areas, preferably in catchment areas of major cities. The plots have an above-average potential for appreciation. You are purchasing plans to be completely and reused after a short holding period of four to seven years. The Walton International Group specializes in the past 20 years in this business field and has nearly perfected it. A unique feature of the company is the investment strategy without a doubt.
The purchase of land, as well as the participation offers for investors are financed 100% of the equity capital of the company. This means that no external financing is required and the it be excluded risks. This increased security is the participation and in the end the investors for good. The Walton group is it due to its perfectly played a network in recent decades- and it was possible to create a significant increase in value within a very short time by the land acquisition over the embedded in the municipal and urban context to the distribution and creation of individual land registers expanded. Thereby, the company benefited from the collapse of land prices as a result of the sub-prime mortgage crisis. Through its strong financial position, specifically favourable land was acquired during this time. For the equity offer of the country, banking Pinal County 4 focused the company on one of the fastest growing areas of the United States. The plot is located in the southwestern part of the County Pinal County in the U.S.
State of Arizona. Areas, the population grew here in the past seven years by more than 80 percent. Demographic It is estimated that she will triple again up to about one million people by 2025″, estimates William Doherty, CEO of Walton international group, the growth potential of this region. On average this means more per year, 30,000 people to equate with an annual 10,000 new homes, taking into account the average household size of 3 people. And that should arise, inter alia on the grounds of the Walton group. From a minimum of $ 20,000 plus a customary Agios 5 percent of investors in the appreciation of the area of about 53 acres participates. The initiator expects a doubling of assets value within five years, what he achieved for many years. The offer is valid until December 31, 2008 and can be extended until May 31, 2009. Not only the access to an innovative business area, but also an excellent chance / risk profile in the midst of the financial crisis provides investors with this participation.