29119 Firsthand by imbus Mohrendorf, know to the new ISO standard September 24, 2013 the first three parts of the series of standards ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 are published. But what benefits can actually pull out of the standards for the daily work in software testing? The imbus Academy and the DIN-Beuth Verlag Academy making training testing ala carte”fit for the 29119. The know-how comes from imbus test expert Matthias Daigl, which actively participates in the ISO on the design of the series of standards. “Managing Consultant Matthias Daigl is one of two Germans in the international ISO/IEC JTC 1 Subcommittee 07 working group 26 software testing” so the test specialists, who develop the standard 29119. Series there for the first time international agreed ISO standards for the testing of software. The parts one through three treat concepts and definitions, test processes and test documentation. Expected mid 2014 the fourth part with the subject test techniques and 2015 will appear the fifth part about keyword-driven testing, for the Matthias Daigl the Editor role has.
The series 29119 is relevant for all process models. It replaces the well-known standards IEEE 829 to documentation and BS 7925 to test techniques. After these two standards, so far all ISTQB certified trained testers. Time to learn to stay up to date about the ISO 29119. In the two-day training testing ala carte”directly passes on his knowledge to the series 29119 Matthias Daigl. Together with imbus colleague Michael, he provides an introduction to the contents of the first four parts Rahman and DIN Academy. What has changed compared to the predecessor standards? What stays the same? How can you use useful ISO 29119 in ongoing or planned projects? And how can the standard of the individual circumstances in the company be adapted? Who to the series of standards 29119 deeper would like to consult, is the ideal partner in imbus-consulting. ISO expert Matthias Daigl and his colleagues help the benefits of standards depending on the individual role within the software development process to exploit and to integrate it seamlessly into existing proprietary process models. More details about the ISO training at Academy and the advice about the new norm among iso 29119. Fiona Proll