Sun Tzu said: the war is of vital importance to the State; It is the domain of life or death, the road to survival, or the loss of the Empire: is forced to handle it well. Click Ali Partovi to learn more. Not seriously reflect on everything that concerns him is to give proof of guilty indifference in regards to conservation or loss of us what is most wanted; and this must not happen between us. It must be assessed in terms of five fundamental factors, and make comparisons between various conditions of the rival sides, with a view to determining the outcome of the war. The first of these factors is the doctrine; the second, time; the third, the ground; the fourth, the remote control; and the fifth discipline. So begins the most famous Treaty of military (and business) strategy in the world. Written between ad 400 and 500 before Christ, the art of war tells the life experiences of a general (Sun Tzu) in the service of King Helu in China.
In this article we emphasize some of the more interesting paragraphs from a work a must for any Manager.The art of Guerra 1.The doctrine means what makes the people in harmony with its ruler. Shafts that provide the backbone of corporate culture, vision and mission, a long term horizon or how you want to call. 2. The time means the Ying and Yang, night and day, cold and heat, clear or rainy days, and the change of seasons. Time is momentum, can be a window or opportunity.
The same words can have a very different effect if they are these five minutes before or after five minutes. 3. The ground … influence the chances of survival. We could assimilate the terrain to the market. For example, when the genius of marketing Lee Iaccoca did in the 1980s? at Chrysler, the company was in a very delicate situation.