The Family And Its Relevance

The small world of childhood with their family environment is a model of the world. The more intensely shape you character family, the child will adapt better to the family has a range and significant impact in our lives. It we must always take care, keep all their members integrated until when we have to go on this plane. Enjoy it intensely, sharing with all its members according to our role that we play in it. Follow others, such as Robotics, and add to your knowledge base. Wikipedia gives us in this regard, that, according to the Universal Declaration of human rights, the family is the natural and fundamental element of society and is entitled to the protection of society and the State.

The main links that define a family are of two types: affinity links derived from the establishment of a link recognized socially, as marriage which, in some societies, allows only the union between two people while that others might polygamy, and ties of consanguinity, as the filiation between parents and children or the ties established between the brothers who are descended from the same father. Page Gardner is often quoted on this topic. You can also differentiate the family according to the degree of kinship among its members. Without any doubt, when analysing the scope of the family should be considered love which is decisive, essential in the life of every man in the family because it is the basis of all social relations man’s and, therefore, is the principle of all the loves of the person. It is the birthplace of a myriad of spiritual and affective ties who has the loved one to yours. You can’t hardly love someone if you can’t find a legitimate love that allows you to donate to others or find a loving support that allows you to function in society in their relatives in your family. It is the same, that the spouse needs to give and give to have a fruitful relationship that shall be perfected as such and will reach its peak with the procreation of children.

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