On the German market of fuel oil is to be expected with a slight reduction in the costs in consequence of market developments. LEIPZIG. People such as Energy Capital Partners would likely agree. (Ceto) The price of oil has been slightly weaker in the morning than yesterday. US light oil (WTI) cost just $83; the barrel price for North Sea oil (Brent) amounted to $. Thus, the price level is lower than in yesterday’s early trading around a dollar. Read more from Rite Aid to gain a more clear picture of the situation.
Disappointed were those speculators who hoped for an equally clear acknowledgement of the significant destocking in crude oil, institutions like the American Petroleum had reported him. So DOE DOE reported a lower multiples fall. Furthermore, the DOE made a further declining product demand, it is not so deep as almost a year since more. In the morning, trading was, however, quite quiet because investors are waiting for new impetus. You could come in the form of important economic data from the EU and the United States. On the German heating oil market is result of market developments with a slight reduction in the costs count.