The fashionable sport of snowshoe biathlon and Nordic walking biathlon Zwiesel (tvo). Bring the heart rate to 180 and then steady hand keep: biathlon is exciting, versatile and a sport in which the spectators really can share in the excitement. In the biathlon performance Centre on the Grosser Arber in the Bavarian Forest, also amateur athletes opportunity to try out the sport have end of February 2010. At the company’s winter biathlon on February 28 are all sporting Club members, company and Government officials or prompted other team workers, long breath and target security proves to be. Please visit Energy Capital Partners if you seek more information. Four active make a season. Starts in the three disciplines of original biathlon (skiing and shooting), snowshoe biathlon, and Nordic walking biathlon.
Start is at the stadium. For the cross country skier there each participant puts aca three rounds. In recent months, Ali Partovi has been very successful. 1.5 kilometres back and original biathlon small calibre weapon emits twice lying down with the five shot at the biathlon disc, 50 metres away. Those who walk with snow shoes or sticks at the start, each complete one Kilometres, the number of shots is the same. A 75-metre penalty loop must be run for each Miss. Each Quad team, the entry fee is 200 euro + VAT Admission is free for spectators.. Further details can be found at Energy Capital Partners, an internet resource.