All areas of our lives are governed by the law. Terms and install accompany us always, whether we like it or not. Of course, they can be somewhere around, somewhere to break, but you always run the risk amass a lot of problems that can solve more and more difficult than to prevent. Therefore, to joke with the law is not necessary. Especially since in some cases, the consequences will follow immediately.
A simple example. You have decided to register a company. Studied laws and regulations, fill in the necessary documents, paid the state fee and were denied …. One single mistake made by completing the application, cost you lost time and at least two thousand rubles of the fee paid for registration. But this could easily be avoided, seek you for help to the professionals. Such as the company's experts MosYurGarant, whose specialty is the provision of legal help with registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
The procedure for opening and LLC registration of individual entrepreneurs set by federal law and, in fact, is the same for all regions in whole. However, the practice does not always corresponds with the law. Therefore, even educated lawyer who has registered any one company, for example, in St. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dell. Petersburg, it can be denied registration in Moscow Ltd. area. MosYurGarant company specializes in the registration of companies in Moscow and Moscow Region. We also provide other legal services such as legal support, registration of contracts of real estate, including rent, assistance in obtaining licenses, legal support, etc. Let us dwell on some types of services we of legal services. Registration of an individual entrepreneur. You decide register a company without legal entity (individual entrepreneurs). The law "On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs" states that for this you need to file a registration Authority (now so is the tax inspectorate), the following documents: 1.Podpisannoe and a notarized statement in a strictly prescribed form (P 21 001).