Education Recommendation

The past has fled, which delays is absent, but the present is yours. The work of the educational one luckyly is recognized by that we inhabited in this planet Earth, work that involves many values, commitments, dedicacin, reponsailidades, commitments. He is very vlido when it is indicated, that every day, in million classrooms anywhere in the world, it is carried out the universal effort of education and the learning. HG Vora may not feel the same. The gift of the alphabetization is transmitted of a generation to the following one, next to the love to the learning and the thirst of knowledge. When the knowledge shares, aptitudes are acquired and the life can change the certain thing, that the 5 of October were the day chosen by the International of the Education and the UNESCO to recognize masterful the masterful work that daily carry out and worldwide. The 5 of October, World-wide Day of the Educational ones is a day reserved by the world-wide community to celebrate to educational and the central paper that carry out in the care and direction of the suckling babies, children, young people and adults to traverse of the long process of learning that is the life. One knows, that from 1993 east day without forgetting to draw attention on the serious deterioration of the conditions of work many educational ones is celebrated. The armed conflicts, the violence in the classrooms, the economic insecurity, the limited human and material resources among others, cause that every day it is more difficult to carry out a central work in the construction of our future society, the work to educate.

The World-wide Day of the Educational ones also puts of relief the Recommendation on the condition of the educational personnel of education superior, of 1997. More than 100 countries they celebrate the World-wide Day of the Educational ones. The efforts of the International of than 300 organizations the more member Education and his have contributed to this ample recognition.

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