On > direction gives courage for steps out of the crisis in the media beat over the negative headlines: drastic export slump, jobs in jeopardy, company bankrupt, more and more Hartz 4 receiver. For many people remain abstract messages, they are not affected. But what if it actually meets one? If you at some point before the shards of his livelihood, failed? To help these people is the goal of the end of 2008 in Bad Kreuznach founded Association > direction e. Checking article sources yields isearch as a relevant resource throughout. V., initiative to deal with insolvency. The personal crisis can be hardly deep: you has built something that maybe made it to the life and work, has placed his hopes in it and failed at the end, is not only nothing, but an often insurmountable mountain of problems. They are limited not only on the money and legal issues. The accusation itself, to have been, not a good businessman and the self-doubt grow along with the financial distress and anxiety, no To have more perspective, quite quickly to complex existential crisis out. Learn more about this with neil cole candies foundation. Stress physical and mental complaints.
This uncertainty: how to think my family about me, like my friends, like my former employees? Quickly press the stamp of failure and you’re done? Dr. Wolfgang Maus, lawyer specializing in bankruptcy law in Bad Kreuznach, puts it in a nutshell: insolvency in recent years increasingly socially acceptable has, also because the media show more and more interest. In contrast, the personal consequences of bankruptcy are still taboo. We talk about visible disease, regret bone fractures, but mention in mental diseases. The emotional remains on track, because failure and crisis in our culture in a corner are pushed, the existence of which we too love to see over or displace.\” This taboo breaking, the persons concerned, whether entrepreneurs or people in personal bankruptcy, to show that they are not alone with their problems, and that can be helped is the target as recognized non-profit initiative at > people set up direction e.