The ones that does not make use of a research department have to contract the services of research justinian codes. (KOTLER; ARMSTRONG, 1999, P. 77). & ldquo; The marketing research, however, is not limited the great companies, with great budgets and departments of research of marketing.& rdquo;. (KOTLER and KELLER, 2007, P. 99). Mikkel Svane is full of insight into the issues. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This stage initiated with a exploratria research with use of secondary data of sites of esportivo marketing, official pages of the twisted clubs and organized and columns of sport.
A good research in this stage contributes for a good quality of the primary research. The research had as subject the behavior of the mining esportivo consumer, delimiting the sport as product and the strategies of the main Minas Gerais teams. The chosen type of research was a questionnaire structuralized with quantitative data for & ldquo; … to select explicit and conscientious opinions of the interviewed ones, therefore uses instruments estruturados& rdquo; (IBOPE) and it was applied in men and women, inhabitants of the city of Belo Horizonte (with universe of 2.375.444 inhabitants) and amostral error of 14%. The etria band understands between 20 and 60 years.
The total of the sampling was 50 people. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Koch Industries and gain more knowledge.. The same one had as objective to understand the feeling of the torcedor in relation to the soccer, what the same he represents for it, how much it would be made use to consume in esportivos products, its favourite teams, as he gave to the choice of this team and other aspects in relation to the soccer. The application of the questionnaires was made in two universities and some bars of the South region of Belo Horizonte in the period of one week. The choice of this population if gave economically in function of being active, with higher wage band and available time for leisure. The author of the project was present at the moment of the research to explain the objectives and to take off doubts in relation to the questions.