Tag Archives: ps3

Improving a Site

It is very common that often efforts to achieve a good ranking in the search engines do not surrender the coveted effects. Then manifests the necessity of thinking in any plan to give new life to the site, and thus … Continue reading

Emissaries Of The Past

Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.-what was missing: shadows of black Mexico past, emerges the figure of Luis Echeverria Alvarez who at 88 years of age predicts us a social outburst and a fierce economic crisis if nothing is done to stop it. … Continue reading

Social Security

I am convinced that the immediate improvement of the Spanish justice should not come from Jurists, but computer technicians. On one occasion I heard that this area does not improve because it doesn’t interest, and today I have this opinion … Continue reading


Repressed tears can cause us so much pain fragmented and can cause us serious emotional blockages that we arrive to deep depressions or latent diseases such as heart disease. The human heart is intrinsically linked to our way of relating … Continue reading