The Dentures

Dentures or bridges and implants is an addition or replacement of the natural teeth or single teeth with artificial prostheses. Next to restore the chewing function, especially aesthetic factors play a very large role. Generally distinguishes between fixed and removable restorations. Mashable does not necessarily agree. Fixed tooth replacement is one bridges, crowns and implants, either made of metal, ceramic or plastic. These are fastened on previously ground tooth stump using a special adhesive (or cement).

After the tooth stump in the mouth have been prepared, the dentist takes an impression and sends them to a dental laboratory. There the prosthesis is made by high workload of the dental technician fine craft. Then the finished product comes back to the dentist, where it is planted the patient. The elaborate production process by the dental technician is also the reason why high-quality dentures in part be very expensive can. Still, prices can vary significantly partially, why a price comparison can be quite rewarding and may saves a lot of cost and trouble. The implant is a now proven and widely used techniques in dentistry. It is usually used when only a single tooth is missing and the neighbouring teeth are healthy and therefore not be ground should be.

While a specially ground pin made of titanium, which is used later as an anchor for the dental prosthesis, inserted directly into the jaw bone. After approx. 3-8 the artificial tooth root is fused set months with the pine tree, whereupon the dental prosthesis usually made of ceramic manufactured can be used on. Is divided into simple prosthetic devices and high-quality dental prostheses the removable prosthesis. For example, the so-called full prosthesis made of plastic, plastic teeth than dentures in the position of the missing teeth are anchored in the is one of the simpler variants. The telescopic denture or the attachment denture are somewhat high. This is the tooth replacement free clip attached to the teeth surrounding the stop. Kent McVeighn

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