Confidence, security and that occurs inside of us, in our minds. Have you heard that phrase that says that the power of the mind is unlimited? Because clear and that is very true, and in the art of seduction that is a great truth. Then is not the money, nor the beauty that make it attractive to these men, is his confidence in if same, unlike you they had that little push, the boost of having been born with a good genetic, or a large wallet, and thats what makes them so sure of themselves. Remove one of them their money or their attractiveness and they will fall like a House of cards. By that have cemented their self-confidence in an external factor, but when you learn to train your mind, learn how to strengthen and improve your self-confidence can have or not have money, you can having or not having physical beauty and yet still being attractive for women because the confidence that your you have this grounding in your mind, in your psyche and stuck and that doesn’t mean anything.
So he leaves thinking that money and PT is everything when it comes to linking you to a woman, if you don’t have a correctly-formed mind, a balanced thinking, trust and safety railway in yourself, can not bind you nor to the maid that makes your House chores. Leave aside the material and focus on improving your way of thinking, see and act in life and you will be successful in everything that you propose. For the success of your conquests, I send a greeting..