The history of photography dates back to the first half of the 19 th century when in 1822 Frenchman Joseph Nicephore Niepce (Nicephore Niepce) was made the first fixed image. But it has survived to this day. Therefore, the first ever photography is a snapshot 'view from the window' (heliography) obtained Niepce in 1826. The exposition lasted for eight hours with bright sunshine. sm Prokudin-Gorsky Karolitshali the river, the Caucasus, in 1915, a fragment In 1861, English physicist James Clerk Maxwell (James Clerk Maxwell, 1831-1879 gg.) won the first color photograph using the so-called additive method.
In the late 19 th – early 20 th century photographers a number of countries used to produce color images technique triple photo: camera registered on a single glass plate three images taken through blue, green and red filters. But only a very small fraction of these historic negatives survived. And here we are dwell on the legacy of our photographer Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky. Color photographs by Prokudin-Gorsky Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky (1863-1944) made significant contributions to the development of photography. Graduate Technological Institute in St. Petersburg, Sergei continued his studies at the chemist in Berlin and Paris. Collaborated with renowned chemist and inventor: Jules Edme-Momen (Edme Jules Maumene, 1818-1898) and Adolf Miethe (Adolf Miethe, 1862-1927), with whom engaged in the development of promising methods for color photography. December 13, 1902, Prokudin-Gorsky was first announced the creation of color slides by the method of three-color photography and in 1905 patented a sensitizer superior to similar development of foreign chemists, including sensitizer Mitya.