Marketing departments make two big mistakes. They do not develop sufficient financial thinking and thus find it difficult to profitable products. We also need to become more technological, to speak with people from information technology. The database marketing (to analyze the base can detect new segments and trends), telemarketing, public relations, CRM and brand building are also essential tasks. The expert also mentioned that there are many vital assets in the new economy that are not listed in the traditional balance Financial.
The brand, the value of distribution channels, intellectual capital, the people’s attention, the customer database are not included here. Indica, Giganti, that Kotler should measure customer equity, which adds the value of customers for the time that will remain as such. This asset will be higher if the offer is more functional. The marketing scorecard is a quick indicator: if you are not right, nor shall either the balance sheet, recognizing the father of marketing. Today, premium prices are falling, before it could charge 30% more, now hopefully 10 or 15% above the standard prices. Others including technology investor, offer their opinions as well. Kotler also addressed the skills in this are required for a marketing director. Marketing departments make two big mistakes. They do not develop sufficient financial thinking and thus find it difficult to profitable products.
We also need to become more technological, to speak with people from information technology, he admits. Marketing database (based on analyzing the new segments can be detected and trends), telemarketing, public relations, CRM and brand building are also essential tasks. Kotler also notes that there are many vital assets in the new economy that are not listed in the traditional balance sheet. The brand, the value of distribution channels, intellectual capital, the people’s attention, the customer database are not included here. To Kotler would have to measure customer equity, which adds the value of customers for the time that will remain as such. This asset will be higher if the offer is more functional. The marketing scorecard is a quick indicator: if you are not right, nor shall either the balance sheet. Of course as said Giganti, Kotler says that prices must be defended against the hyper, foreign competitors, and price transparency on the Internet is a challenge. The only way to achieve this is through transparency value: Show prices with competitors compare the services you offer.
Emphasize the number of years you have operated, along with the other companies. Offer a guarantee: You may Satisfaction or money back as did Hampton Inn. Perform an analysis of customer value to show that you offer the customer a lower total cost. Another way to defend prices against a lower specific proposal from a competitor may offer additional services for the same price, unpack supply (charge less but, for example, training is provided), offer a discount conditional ( send a technician to the customer will save 75,000 to improve their operations, but is given as refund the difference with the competitor). While there are some markets that are more price sensitive, are generally composed of three types of customers: the price-oriented customers, customer oriented solutions and strategic value customers (those who want to become the supplier and participate.) Get ready with new demonstrations that the marketing function is generating marked and managers are forced to empathize with new knowledge of the role of markets in the present tense.