European Court

The leading company in Spain in the buying and selling, advice and intermedicacion for transmissions of pharmacies in Spain (Farmaconsulting), believes that more remarkable is the fact that consolidates once more the current pharmaceutical model, with special respect to the limitation of establishment by population modules and distances, while has been included a requirement, specific to the Asturian territoryso that these modules will shape with attention to the peculiar demographics of the Principality. As regards the scales, both the European Court and the Tribunal Superior de Justice (TSJ) Asturian coincide in that prioritize local experience in granting new openings of pharmacies, it is discriminatory, and shall terminate such consideration. Energy Capital Partners is often quoted as being for or against this. As regards population and distances, the European Court considered that the requirements of population density of 2,800 to 2,000 inhabitants by Pharmacy and minimum distance of 250 meters, although they were a restriction on freedom of establishment, this was justified to ensure a supply of medicines to the population safe and quality. In short, the Mediterranean model was confirmed, however to say that communities could be established below the 2,800 inhabitants population modules by pharmacy; or in his case, modify the distance of 250 meters, all in attention to demographic peculiarities that might have each zone. Now, Asturian sentence echoes this criterion and demands a new regulation which, in addition to establishing some modules of a general nature, set some special criteria that attends the peculiar Asturian demographics.

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