A new giant step in the online world, though some time ago that some sites are using it, comes the HTML5. It is not yet established, but is pointed out. The idea of the Semantic Web is already a reality in the World Wide Web and all Web layout will have to renew their knowledge to adapt. In this world never stops learning, the online world is revolutionizing every 6 months at different levels and have to be alert. The idea of the Semantic Web is to organize existing elements in a Web page by crawlers content programs to store neatly. So far the code which we served to give form to the Web sites, allowed us only that: shaping. We could put a paragraph in our address, a phone number, the name of our company, etc.
Put a color, a size, and align it. Human beings recognize former vista who are looking, but do know a computer, data processor, whats? With HTML5, the idea is to place labels to differentiate each content of a Web document, so you will have to specify, within this paragraph for example, what is the name of the company, which part of the paragraph is the phone and what another part is the address. If we had a catalog of products, must specify is the name of the product, which is the description of the product and what is its price. So far only especificabamos: this is a title: verdana, 16 points, bold; This is a paragraph: arial, 12pt, aligned to the right; and this is a paragraph with another colored numbers and larger. Well, now will say you: this is the name of my product, i.e. its Christiani and this big and red, is its price. The profits of these meta-etiquetas or meta-data are very different and serve to segment all content within an HTML document.