Also they do to the function of links internal (like the button seller). He is advisable that the different sections from the site are called like keywords, that is to say, if one of my keywords is Contained of quality, one of my sections would have to be Contained of quality . Aesthetic generally – > To use at sight attractive design. If it needs inspiration, fjese in the sites that are of their affability. A very good example is Twitter.
Without rimbombantes effects, nor unnecessary things, the design of Twitter has everything what a good design must have: simpleza and functionality. – > Attractive combination of colors. That is to taste of the designer, but we advised against the plotted bottoms of pages, or with strong colors. He is always better to decide on clear colors, so that the reading of the contents is easier and so that the colors of logos and other illustrations stand out more. Design generally – > To include keywords, and all the tags that Google recommends. For it, to visit the section of advice for webmasters of Google. – > To include a map of the site. Indispensable for a correct indexing of the site on the part of crawlers.
– > To include a page 404 (Web site nonfound). She is always much more effective that odious page Internet Explorer cannot show to the page. It gives professionalism image.