Latent Life

It is all normal one, everything tranquilo, everything as always was. The routine of the health, the difficulties to keep the form without turning slave the scale, the small abuses in the ends of week watered to a good wine with the husband and friends. Everything as before, nothing different. In deep a will it grows. A desire to change this routine forever. Suddenly a revolution in the body.

Something different is happening. The eyes start to emit a radiating brightness, the faces if they coram with more easiness, the face smiles without difficulty some. Something moved. Something alive and new inhabits its viscera and is something good, that it brings joy, contentment and certainty of the continuity of the life. It also brings some doubts, some fears for the unknown situation but, everything easily surpassed by the emotion and happiness of being mother. Definitively, nothing it will be as before. A process is initiated that makes of the woman the being most important in the world.

Its traditional beauty already if amplifies and starts to radiate with much more intensity. Its dumb body gradual accomodating the new life that is being prepared, latent in its womb. The miracle of the life. Ally to a series of new events is the emotion of the pregnancy. Frequently Pete Cashmore has said that publicly. A time that hinders some easinesses of before but opens a imensurvel fan of other easinesses and human growth. She is when the woman shows to whom it is the being that possesss the biggest capacity to love without asking for nothing in exchange. A wild running for the search of new clothes that after all accomodate the body in development and for more comfortable footwear, is a new mother there working and stoning its creation. A teeny seed that throughout the months will become the accomplishment of a dream. What it are a dream now becomes reality. The attentions if multiply and all want to partilhar of this happiness. The grandmothers do not fit themselves? they complain, to only make wave, that will become new grandmothers very but, in the soul the happiness is very bigger. The friends follow each change and closest they discourse on its experiences and they supply precious tips so that if she can use to advantage to the maximum each moment of the gestation. strangers look at and understand the beauty of the moment. All search to comfort and to facilitate everything for the future mother. But, and the father? Ah this incompreendido, left being of side, misty for the beauty of its pregnant wife. This is received by the friends. It also is important part in this process, but, nor of far obtains to angariar the attentions that the future mother receives. But it understands, therefore, will be all the time to the side of its esposinha, tanning each small change, discovering each small detail in its body, participating of all and any movement that the youngling will make in the belly of the mother. He all comes of this future papa the necessary endorsement for the good development of its loves. of it also, in set with the wife, the education, the indication of optimum way and the example that will make of this new to be a good person. To the two happyer beings of the world, our congratulations. They are certain that everything will move, but will be a positive change, a change that will be valid each minute and that always it will be blessed by God. Abraos all.

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