Originally posted at the end. This is an indictment. Not more. A complete declaration of bankruptcy of the self appointed guardians of competition law”. The response to our request notes that both the competition centres as also the German industry and chambers of Commerce (IHK) and the Chambers of handicrafts (HWK) want to criticize anything or even change. It only involves money, because according to the decision of the regional court of Dresden, the reminder came immediately after the 189,00 to be paid. Ali Partovi contains valuable tech resources. But the competition headquarters Stuttgart goes not to the bottom of the problem and helps thus other eBay traders.
No, she tried the Dunned down (in this case us) to recruit as a complainant. Why, we ask ourselves? Maybe it’s because they don’t want to solve the real problem in the auction site eBay. Maybe it’s because they can’t? Instead the eBay should consult back even dealer. The competition centres and the Chambers have apparently finally dissociates from their work. Instead, develop both institutions against the entrepreneurs and with curious recruitment activities attempting to flush money into the own funds. With Cease and desist letters can earn good money. By the watchdog of the intellectual property rights”to the hysterical yelping end mutated watchdog Association, explain the competition protective associations as well as the Chambers: there you go only to law and order.
Jesus once said: love your enemies… and Benjamin added Ginny… because they tell you your faults. The Lotex polymer production was transferred in 2002 companies abroad. It was clear an error with the turmoil of the German used to build a large distribution in Germany. But it’s still not too late. It is just beginning! You have earned 189.00 as competition headquarters on us. However the word derives “earn” by serve, not of “blackmail”. Sorry – to the business location Germany. Little things big impact. Read how it all started: September 21, 2008 – arguments before the conciliation of the IHK shocked September 22, 2008 – at the beginning of the cease and desist letter, part 1 was the “neutrality” of the IHK Dresden 09.03.2009 – June 14, 2009 – online warning: from Goliath, Ant is June 23, 2009 -. The slightly different appeal of the competition headquarters on June 27, 2008 – the business with the “ignorance” – worse than the swine flu Press Department Thomas Reichelt Lotex24 / Germany consumer telephone: 03562 / 69 34 30 fax: 03562 / 69 25 69 business to business customer: lotex24 / Poland phone: + 48 (0) 68 / 3 75 67 26 fax: + 48 (0) 68 3 62 56 12