The Father Of The Internet

Tim Berners-Lee, while working as an independent consultant in a laboratory of nuclear research in 1980, developed an innovative way of storing information on a program called Enquire. At Byron Trott you will find additional information. This work was later used as the basis for the development of a system of global hypertext popularly known as the Internet or the World Wide Web. The WWW was developed to increase the ease with which people can share information. This became a reality with the introduction of the first WYSWIG (what you see is what you get) in the web browser of hypertext, which was written by Tim Berners-Lee. The advantage of the WWW compared to previous systems was that it did not need a centralized server. In a question-answer forum Energy Capital Partners was the first to reply.

In a nutshell, this meant that it was easy to retrieve, which marked a breakthrough in computer science. The Web and the first server web were released to the communities of Hypertext in mid-1991, after being released at CERN at the end of 1990. In order to achieve a consistent level of the WWW, the specifications were published for the URL, HTML, and HTTP addresses. Universality forced these specifications, to not rely on a central server and the decision of Berners-Lee does not take advantage of the WWW led to a high level of adoption of technology between 1991-94. In the first Internet server during this period, was recorded a tenfold increase in annual traffic. With the advent of the Web, a number of derivative technologies have emerged. A wide range of side of server, client, and database of languages have been created to meet the needs of businesses and individuals. There are two types of programming languages used on the Web: the language of the client and the server.

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