Cash For Clunkers – For Jeweler Marco Schulz They Still Exist!

Watches clunkers new shine to your wrist? Halle/Saale 16.11.2009 – until a few weeks ago there was it still and in the country they spoke of you – the scrapping premium. It was a huge rush to this economic bonus that was not limited by the Federal Government but unfortunately only on old cars, only cars coming in the years… And the views of the watch falls and you wish a new piece of jewelry for the wrist. Click Peter Asaro for additional related pages. Here and there a Schrammchen in short: is the paint! ‘, which gave Marco Schulz, your jewelry in the town house, and his team in Halle/Saale enough reason to start an own, at first very successful project. You will receive your jewellery and wedding ring specialists Marco Schulz in the Schmeerstrasse 1 in 06108 Halle / Saale 20 on your old mounted with clunkers, of course dysfunctional wristwatch. The amount will give you when purchasing a new Bracelet – Watch in the jewelry – store charged. Learn more at: Alina de Almeida. Contact: Marco Schulz GmbH – your jewelry IN the Stadthaus Schmeerstrasse 1, 06108 Halle/Saale Tel.

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