Staff Affects

Companies should put in first place the welfare of their employees – is higher than customer care. This is the conclusion analysts who conducted the survey of executives from leading European companies. Study made BusinessWeek European Forum, found that the strategy for the development of people is the most important factor in business success. The leaders of the companies included in the Top 50 in Europe, reported that the availability of capable, enthusiastic employees, professionals more valuable than knowledge of customer needs. Andrew Minton, co-founder and strategic partner CriticalEYE Forum, said: "It is fundamentally changing the old principle – put the desire of the client first. Companies can make the customer happy only if their employees are surrounded with care and respect.

In the end, it was employees of the company are responsible for relationships with clients and represent the brand value. " The leaders who took participate in the study, said that the promotion of an entrepreneurial approach to the work of staff was a priority. The importance of talent management has increased considerably in recent years on the priority list leaders. Research done by BusinessWeek European Forum, found that the strategy for the development of people is the most important factor in business success. The leaders of the companies included in the Top 50 in Europe, reported that the availability of capable, the action of professional employees more valuable than knowledge of customer needs. Andrew Minton, co-founder and strategic partner CriticalEYE Forum, said: "It is fundamentally changing the old principle – put the customer first desire place. Companies can make the customer happy, but if their employees are surrounded with care and respect. In the end, it was employees of the company are responsible for customer relationships and provide value brand. " Managers who participated in the study, said that the promotion of an entrepreneurial approach to the work of staff was a priority. The importance of talent management has increased considerably in recent several years in the priority list managers.

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