As Almeida (2000), with the application of the technology of information in the activity human being, had the necessity to create new courses of level exactly superior technician or to take care of professionals of this area, such as: programmers, analysts of systems, engineers of software, among others. This sample that has a great necessity of studies of the information technologies to take care of to the pupils who need the understanding of the same. Today the pupils want new features and a new way of learning, wants to leave the routine of only copying what it is in ' ' picture negro' ' , and yes to understand what it is transmitted to it of a more dynamic and sophisticated form. Almeida (2000) says that the use of microcomputers and programs as Instruction Assisted FALLS (for Computer) or YOU HOIST (Intelligent Instruction Assisted by Computer) are available for professors and pupils being a different form of transmission of the information. Click to learn more. The author sample that the pupil must dinamizar with the microcomputers, therefore they discover other more creative forms to explore them and establish its proper form of interaction with the machines. The use of computers as educational tool, makes with that the pupils decide significant problems they use and them as other available ways: net of long-distance communication, constructs knowledge of cooperative form and always searchs new information. Being thus, the digital age demands one to rethink how much to the education, she is necessary to innovate, to be mainly constantly learning and to assume the new technologies as facilitadora of the learning process.
3.3 Softwares educational Exists a great diversity of softwares educational that the professor can use. Tajra (2008) makes two educational conceptualizations of what it comes to be softwares: Programs developed specifically for educative purposes, some examples: Ortografando, Math Blaster, ECHO XXI. These softwares are used specifically discipline in them.