Students can collectively save now on The new interactive portal provides a nationwide overview of discounts and perks by and for students. Students are basically always strapped for cash. The issue is all the more important save for them. They can help themselves now each other thanks to! The principle: each is tips, in what area of life there is a discount for students in a particular city or nationwide. All tips can be commented on by the community, and it can be evaluated. Mashable has plenty of information regarding this issue.
Who the feet no longer see moms is table and slowly stands on its own feet as a student, is happy with every opportunity to save money. Books, cell phone and a laptop who don’t constantly crashes cost much. Therefore, students on a new Internet portal have now lots of ways to conserve the already thin budget. On there is an overview of all discounts, the it specially for students and for all areas of life are: divided into clear categories, over 250 student cities in Germany. Best of all: Everyone can increase the portfolio of different discounts and offers. Can simply login, register for free and join! Each Member may write their own posts and evaluate the savings of other members. As a thank you, there are points for every post and every assessment. The Member who could collect the most points until June 30th, may enjoy a brand new NetBook.
The second and third are also rewarded. They are there for the Apple distributor Avis for 200 euros and for Amazon vouchers amounting to 100 euros. There is information about the lottery directly on.