Internet Browser

If there is a ping on the ip-address and dns-name and the page is not loaded, you should go to the browser. First of all check your browser: not set an autonomous mode and a proxy server? If the settings are correct, but the page is not loaded, then try to register in the command prompt, type netsh winsock reset, after which require a restart. If you visit a site where yesterday went fine, but now find yourself at another site that is not credible (erotikaxxxprosba send sms), you should go to the Windowssystem32driversetchosts. The hosts file is opened with notepad. On lines beginning with #, you can not pay attention – is a comment on the work they have no effect. Typically, the file contains one line localhost, if you have more then likely a manifestation of undesirable effects.

It is easy to understand, if IP-address in the other rows is always one, and DNS-names in each line is completely different. In the If the answer is, from all the resources and the ip and dns, hosts file is clean, and all other teams have not helped, is to carefully check – is it really absolutely do not open all sites? Perhaps you have strayed setting mtu, is responsible for packet size, which may lead to the discovery of any part of the site and the discovery of another unfortunate. There are two ways to modify the mtu – manually through the registry of Windows, or third-party software. To go to the Editor There is a setting DriverDesc, but we need one that has this value will match the name of the network adapter through which you surf the Internet. If found necessary, in the same section, there is a parameter NetCfgInstanceId, whose value to remember. Remember? Now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE system CurrentControlSet Services Tcpip Parameters Interfaces, inside which there are sub-equal to the value NetCfgInstanceId, who found out earlier.

If there is already setting mtu – fix it by 1400, or other suitable number. If no: Edit – Create – click dword. It seemed difficult? Use any tweaker or tuner network. The text was about the most common causes leading to problems displaying pages when running Internet, so that, hopefully, for most users, these tips may come in handy.

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