Windows includes, in the window of properties of the disk drives, a tool for such aim. We click in Beginning, next in equipment and on our hard disk C, D or another one we pressed with the right button of the mouse; in the menu that sample we selected Properties and it appears a window. In this window we click in Releasing space and we followed the passages of the assistant. They exist another type of archives that can erase and they are not temporary, are those that are in the recycling wastebasket, the temporary files of Internet Explorer (if we worked with Firefox or another navigator also we have temporary files that we will be able to eliminate) and some folders which they remain in the disc after it unloads or some program settles. In order to erase the temporary files in Internet Explorer we will make the following thing.
We will make click in Tools, Options of Internet, Temporary files of Internet and pressed on the button To eliminate. In the case of Firefox we will click in Herramentas, Options, Privacy and next we will press on the button To clean now. Step 3. It verifies the state of the health of our hard disk All the versions of Windows include the tool scandisk or chkdsk, that allows a verification of " state of salud" of the hard disk. The analysis that this tool realises us can solve mishaps of the type: A. Clusters lost.
One is a space apparently occupied in the disc, but not associated a no file or directory. This space must recover by means of one of these options: turning the space into a file, or erasing it. These anomalies arise generally associate to a current failure, or the abnormal conclusion of an application or the own operating system.