Is excluded from the concept of collective action studies whose purpose is the acquisition of knowledge or planning of economic activity, as well as tests or trials of prototypes that do not lead immediately to its implantation in the sector, with the exception of the letter n) of point 2 of this article. 2. Las acciones colectivas reguladas por esta orden, estaran concretadas en los proyectos objeto de las siguientes lineas de accion, en virtud de las medidas establecidas en el articulo 37.a), b), c), d), e), f), h), j), k), l), m) y o), relativo a las acciones colectivas, del Reglamento (CE) n. 1198/2006 del Consejo, de 27 de julio de 2006(: a) projects which will contribute sustainably to better management or conservation of resources. (b) projects aimed to promote selective fishing gear or methods and reduce by-catches. Projects aimed at collecting seabed lost fishing gear to combat ghost fishing c). (d) projects contributing to improving the conditions of work and security. (e) projects contributing to the transparency of the markets in the fishery products, including their traceability.
(f) projects aimed at improving the quality and safety of food. (g) projects aimed at investments in equipment and infrastructure of production, processing or marketing, including waste treatment. (h) projects aimed at promoting cooperation between scientists and professionals in the sector. (i) projects aimed at the promotion of networking and exchange of experiences and best practices among organizations dedicated to promoting equality of opportunity between men and women and other stakeholders. j) projects aimed at promoting the Organization of the chain of production, processing and marketing of fishery products of small-scale coastal fisheries. (k) adoption of voluntary measures to reduce the fishing effort of the small-scale coastal fisheries resources conservation purposes. (l) improvement of the management and control of access to certain areas of fishing by the small-scale coastal fleet. (m) building of the the use of more selective fishing techniques which go beyond the obligations under Community legislation or innovations in order to protect the arts and catches of the depredations by the artisanal fishing fleet, always that do not increase fishing effort.