Overlock have one very important advantage which is that they are very fast and at the same time easy to use. In this article you will learn about and overlock on the ten articles that you can sew for their assistance in less than one hour. All these products will be a wonderful gift for loved ones, and work on their creation will bring you great pleasure. 1. Napkins. Napkins will decorate any table. Speaking candidly Arup Sandra Akmansoy told us the story. You will not be difficult to sew napkins with overlock.
Two handkerchiefs. The method of sewing handkerchiefs no different from sewing napkins. However, you should use a soft cloth. You can apply unnecessary shirts and pajamas. 3.
Tablecloths. You can sew fine cloth of sheets, obshiv edge-colored thread. Beautiful and unusual. 4. Blankets for babies. You will be able to sew a quilt is much better compared to those who sell in the store, if you use a two-layer flannel cloth. Blankets – the simple gift that can make a child, but, rest assured this gift will love the kid. 5. Pillowcases. A small piece of cloth, a little imagination, ten minutes of work – and pillowcase ready. 6. Children's clothing. When you sew clothes, you – the designer. For half an hour you can easily sew a dress for a little girl, using an old pillowcase. Overlock – an indispensable tool for every owner. 7. Quilting sewing. Overlock provides another opportunity to open up your creative abilities. 8. Accessories handbag. Tailoring the original bag, you certainly have a desire to create for her some accessories. Forward! It's in your hands! 9. Cloth diapers and wipes for babies. There are many different ways of sewing cloth diapers, but the most simple of them – is one that involves the use of overlock. 10. Curtains. Through the process of overlock sewing curtains significantly simplified. Be creative and have fun at work overlock!