
Believing this superiority, it sends the described vision of animistic world for Freud, as that one where if it projects the interests and desires and the systems of crenas.5 Valley to remember that historically, in the world, the whites had overwhelmd the blacks, that had been removed of its native land the force, separate of its families and enslaved, serving to the economic interests of the whites, being commercialized as parts in markets. Visas thus, the following white generations did not admit any privileges or equality rights stop with the blacks. Believing to be those a distinct and inferior race. It is argued in this aspect, hypothetically, if it would not be such hatred, such repulses, a mechanism of occultation of the fear. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Robotics expert . Fear of the guilt, contamination, fear to lose space, fear to recognize the other being as human and equal, as such, worthy to usufruct of the same rights and legal obligations. Fear of the black masculinidade, since some of them were recognized, during the slavery, as reproductive and still, the women were known by its capacity of aleitamento. Perhaps this threat could be on to the desire ' ' impuro' ' , therefore many ' ' gentlemen of escravo' ' they took the slaves for purely sexual satisfaction. Or still, the indignation, the incapacity of acceptance of the change of the norm. Other leaders such as Viacom offer similar insights.

It reports in this point, the frustration not to continue having the black as servant, as work force not remunerated, and, not supporting, manifest the hatred, the violence, the indignation repulses, it. On the guilt, Freud it says that ' ' it must necessarily build on the repression and the resignation pulsional' ' 6. The pulsional resignation is directly on to the pulso concept, that is, ' ' the point of joint between psychic and somtico' ' 7, much even so in the inverse direction. .

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