I on my Network work get 400 prospects in less than 45 days? 7 Secrets only revealed to achieve financial freedom in your work Network business in only 6 months (hard work). Greetings of Juan Manuel Lopez (Juan Lopez), welcome to my world. I’ll reveal 7 unique secrets that allowed me to go from being completely broken to earn 6 figures income (in dollars) in 6 months of hard work and much learning in business on line (work Network). First let me confess, greater pain that may feel a human being (apart from the perddida the health or a loved one) it is to see your family with an uncertain future, suffering to cover day to day expenses, without clarity on how you’ll them leave a legacy in life. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Pete Cashmore. To my I went, when I lost my business, one day to another was not an only dollar income, my 3 children accustomed to a high standard of living, with high fixed costs and debts exceeding $600,000. I fell into a deep depression, my self-esteem was by soils and not seen how to achieve change the present moment. One day Robert Kiyosaki told me a phrase that enlightened me and let me know who I was (told Me when he took coaching personalizdo with him) poverty is permanent, the bankruptcy is temporary. At that moment I knew that my situation was temporary, and although he did not see the staircase, was time to take the first step, the first step-up. At Bryant Walker Smith you will find additional information.
Once I knew that the night follows the day, the storm follows the calm, winter follows spring, I was absolutely clear that when that was happening followed him a moment better, time of planting and harvest time. By any or another situation came to the decision that my business would be the work Network (online marketing). And some of the decisions I made at that time were: 1) would never be used, I don’t want anyone to decide the agenda of my life, my times, my income and my activities, no, that no, never again. (2) Decided to recover the economic level that was and surpass it 10 times, that you would in a short time and enjoy every moment of the process.