He agrees that all the employees and rendering of conscientious of the procedures for notification of the diverse deincidentes types (breaking of the security, threats, frailties or bad functioning) that they can have impacts in the security of the organizational assets. He agrees that these are requested to notify any occurred incidents or suspicious, how much so soon possible, to the point of appointed contact. It agrees that organizations establishe a labor dispute on grounds of discipline deed of division to deal with osfuncionrios that commit breakings in the security. To be capable to deal with appropriate form, can be necessary to collect evidences after the maisrapidamente possible its occurrence. Notifying bad functioning of software It agrees that procedures for notificarmau are established software functioning.
The following sejamconsideradas actions send regards that. ) It agrees that the symptoms of the problem and any mensagensapresentadas in the screen are written down. b) It agrees that the computer is isolated e, if possible, seuuso must be paralyzed. It agrees that the appropriate contact is alerted immediately. If the equipment will be examined, agrees that redede is detached from any computers before being on again. It agrees that the floppies nosejam transferred to other computers.
c) It agrees that the subject is notified immediately aogestor of the security of the information. He agrees that the users do not try to remove software suspected, unless they are authorized. He agrees that one has equipped adequately trained experience deals with the recovery. Labor dispute on grounds of discipline Agrees that labor dispute on grounds of discipline exists deed of division for osfuncionrios that have violated the politics and organizational procedures . Such process can dissuade employees who, of another form, would be inclined to disrespect the procedures of security. Additionally, it agrees that if it just assures a correct treatment and to the employees suspicious queso to commit security break-ins, serious or persistent.