Technological Education

Pablo Freire (1992) speaks on the awareness of the professor to transform the reality of the popular education: What me it finally seems impossible, today as yesterday, is to think, more than thinking, is to have one practical one of popular education where, previously and concomitantly, if they do not take serious the problems as: that contents to teach, in favor of that to teach them, who, against that and who. Who chooses the contents and as they are taught. What is to teach? What is to learn? How are given the relations between teaching and learning? What is to know of done experience? We can discard it as inexact, disarticulated? What is the professor? Which its paper? the pupil, who is? its paper? … As to understand, but, over all to live, the relation practical-theory without it turns done phrase? … If you have read about Steve Wozniak already – you may have come to the same conclusion. As to work the relation language-citizenship? (FREIRE, 1992, P. 135-136) PROEJA: CHALLENGE CONSIDERED TO the EDUCATORS the PROEJA was instituted by Federal Decree n 5,478/2005, later substituted for the 5,840/2006, that it compelled all the institutions of the Federal Net of Professional and Technological Education at least to destine 10% of the existing vacant for the attendance of adult public young e.

The Program intends to offer to professional qualification and rise of the escolaridade, aiming at to take care of the workers, above of 18 years with interrupted or discontinued pertaining to school trajectories, without the formal professional formation. One understands that it is an education directed toward workers and that the same ones already possess a rich experience. According to Eliezer Pacheco, Secretary of Professional and Technological Education: With the PROEJA one searchs to rescue and to reinserir in the Brazilian pertaining to school system, adult young millions of being made possible access to them the education and the professional formation in the perspective of an integral formation.

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