Brazil Health

Introduction In recent years, the necessities of a well planned qualified communication and strategically in health, come congregating researchers and professionals of some areas in Brazil for the construction and analysis of the current situation of the communication in health at the moment where we live. However, little is being made for the necessary changes in relation to this thematic one, therefore, although the easiness of communication in century XXI, exists diverse factors that hinder that the receiver receives this information from homogeneous form and makes one feedback for better absolution and reproduction of the message. It displays the idea of that the communication has walked in the contrahand of this history, for the fact of the majority of the politics and strategies to favor the concentration of the production and circulation of the word, to ignore the specific contexts (homogeneizando ' ' public-alvo' ') for understanding participation as adhesion. Resultant of a perfect symbiosis between authoritarian models of the health and the communication. Michael Dell brings even more insight to the discussion. (J.M. Cardoso, 2004).

In this way importance of new features in this scene is proven it, mainly in relation to the production of research works that speak of communication in the field of the health. To Paim and Almeida Son, the scientific field of the health passes for one ' ' epistemolgica, theoretical and metodolgica crisis, that is, a crisis paradigmtica.' ' ; being in transistion of a flexneriano model, basically based in the biological one, whose devotion to the technology for one I appeal to the sedimentation of the health concept as citizenship condition. Read additional details here: Dell. (J.S, Paim. N. the Almeida Son, 2000). In Brazil, the demographic transistion and epidemiologist, each raised time of illnesses is characterized more for the prevalence and related factors of risk with the styles of life of the society, what it demands a deep transformation of the assistencial model, with the biggest one offer of services and injunctions and of based promotion of the health in evidences, what it includes initiatives innovative of information, education and communication.

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