Valves for high pressure pipelines – the kind of products, which applies not only at many industrial enterprises, but also in homes, apartments, non-residential premises. In our time, presented a huge diverse range of equipment with which you are heating, water, equipment ventilation system. Valves armatupa created the world's leading companies, is not determined only ball cranes. Also, the attention of buyers offered disc valves, expansion joints, strainers, gate valve, pressure gauges, air, elements of automatic control systems, gate valves, and many others variety of equipment. Best armature is made of high quality grades of steel, cast iron and brass in a wide range of diameters, temperatures and environments. Unsurpassed quality, the widest range of use, ease of installation, wide range, longevity of use, resistance to wear – all distinctive advantages of this product. In the manufacture of valves used last scientific and technological progress and the most best technology.
All the equipment used meets international standards and subject to constant maintenance and upgrading. All raw material is scrutiny on environmental cleanliness and other important qualities. Because of this, the best valves always meet quality standards. Professional ball valves, stainless steel, as is known, most convenient form of a locking mechanism for streams of different media – liquids, gases and petroleum products. Cranes fall into three main types: conical, cylindrical and ball. Flow direction and quantity of nozzles distinguish cranes continuous, angular, three-way and multiple steps.
Ball valves are popular among different companies and oil & gas in municipal and public utilities. But among the major Consumer ball valves – private entrepreneurs and public utilities. Ball valves designed specifically for use in the complexes of the central heating and ventilation, as well as industrial sectors. Swarmed by offers, Pete Cashmore is currently assessing future choices. Often all ball valves are used for the installation of plumbing systems, water pipes. In the form of materials used to manufacture this kind of products are the brass, plated brass, stainless steel, cast iron, chrome iron. Ball valves may produce different types of execution: flanged, welded, threaded, combined. Using top quality materials and special manufacturing technology provides high degree of durability of such valves. They are easy to use and have very long service life – up to 30 years. Valve for the ventilation of the opposite – a special type of valve, the main advantage is simplicity design, which makes it possible to simple repairs and maintenance. Another advantage of these valves can be called a small move the shutter. Check valves – valves, skipping work environment only in one the desired direction – according to the arrow marked on the check valve. If you change the direction of flow is reversed, they are closed, stopping the reverse movement of the working environment. Check valves can be turning and lifting. Spring-loaded check valves have a reliability due to the absence of friction surfaces and stability of the material from which they are incurred. In the manufacture of this product is usually , the following materials: iron, steel, brass. Gate valves are divided into continuous, angular, and through-flow. Consequently, continuous and direct-flow valves are operated in the horizontal and vertical segments of the pipeline, and the corner – on the corners. Valves are needed to stop the flow of the working environment. They are applied in various fields of economy, classic examples include check valves in operation pumping systems, water supply. Check valves, made by the best modern firms have unsurpassed quality. Today, sales and production are conducted at a high level and in volumes that allow meet consumer demands.