REDDOXX Expands Into The Channel

Affiliate program inspired the REDDOXX GmbH (, expert for email management solutions dealer business Rottweil, July 22, 2010, continues its expansion in the channel. So is succeeded the company to increase the number of its retail partners alone in the past three months to 25 percent. Due to this success, inter alia on the compelling retail program of REDDOXX and the Channelausbau in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (D.A.CH). Within the programme of expanded trade, REDDOXX intensified his focus on the channel. In particular value added reseller, resellers and systems integrators are to benefit from the program.

These include, for example, the differentiated partner level, constructed pre – or post sales services, training and certification programs, technical training as well as complementary marketing and lead generation activities. Here, AOL expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In addition to the resellers, the program but also to distributors is to appropriately honor their significant role in the channel business. This are the transparency of distribution and fair pricing and conservation programs of the channel in the foreground which REDDOXX in all relevant levels of trade guarantees a maximum margin level for its partners. Our goal is to enhance further the unique orientation of our company on the specialist area of the position of our resellers in the channel”, explains Rolf Wensing, responsible for sales at REDDOXX in the D.A.CH region. From lead generation, marketing support via pre sales support up to the after sales, we promote our retail partners in the growth market of email management solutions, where the new partner program integrates all marketing, technology and support resources in a targeted and effective sales strategy”, affirms Walley. Growth driver: legal certainty and effective E-Mail management form the basis for the success of this the TuV-tested email management products of REDDOXX. This technologically advanced solutions in the field of Email archiving, encryption, signature and the spam protection provide a simple, secure and law compliant management of electronic mail both enterprise and managed service providers.

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