Electronic product should solve some problem of potential readers, but in this case, it will download it and add it to your site after reading. 2. E-book should be of good quality, with graphic illustrations and a convenient and logical menu. Book design should be professional. It is best to do a book format (electronic books – EXE) a book, you can easily open and read on any computer and unnecessary additional programs, such as with format pdf, for the opening of which need a special program Adobe Acrobat. Yes, the article together Adobe Acrobat better to use the program from Foxit Reader, which found her on the internet, was very pleased.
Is lightweight, requires no installation, in Russian. 3. Be sure to make a nice graphic artwork for their e-books, visitors love to download something that looks good. 4. Be sure to use in their e-book function "rebranding" is when a person who have downloaded your book, can add back the advertising. A very powerful thing to encourage the spread of the book.
Make it very simple, but will return to this later. How to make e-book? Suppose you made their own web-site, then you already know how to make electronic books. E-book this is a normal folder with the website on your computer, using any codes, html, and then compiled a special program compiler. Personally, I use the program eBook Edit Pro, very convenient and coherent way to develop the site into the e-book is enough for 5 minutes. So back to the rebranding. To make the finished version of the book the reader can add your own ads, you should still not in the compiled html code for your future book (each book page), add the following code: But this one little program eBrand-It already taken care of, so that the reader of your book successfully added their advertising. On a separate page of your book do special instructions "how to add your advertisement in this book." After that compile the e-book and spread on your site. What you get in the final result, we can look at the example of e-books: The Easy Way to Stop Smoking ", which I did literally over the weekend. If you have no immediate plan to create your ebook, remember that even your advertising in a strange book, this is a very good way to increase traffic to your site. You can use any interesting e-book, which supports the "rebranding" to add go to advertise and run the process of viral marketing. Such a method of site promotion is very effective and does not wake you stand a penny.