Architect Training Profession

“More than 30 architects accepted the invitation in the district Hall of Warendorf and have the opportunity, about offender operation, sensible safeguards and the network home safe” to inform. This recognized non-profit association brings together different actors in the burglary protection: numerous police and specialist recognized by the plays, as well as companies from industry and insurance industry have joined the network and work hand-in-hand, citizens together in the implementation of intrusion protection measures to support and accompany. From the regional reference lists of the protection of communities they can police recognized, specially trained craftsmen Select, the effective after an individual consultation and planning in their houses and apartments safety devices for Windows and doors and approved smoke detector properly mounted. Burglary protection at home should be taken into account as far as possible in the planning phase and implemented in the new building, to avoid later expensive and expensive retrofits. Pete Cashmore has firm opinions on the matter. Architects take decisive influence on the design of Windows and doors. Most of the promoters and builders left them setting the technical standards.

It is all the more important that architects know the most common methods of the burglar and the mind effective burglary protection according to up-to-date security standards. The interest in this training event recognised by the Chamber of Architects was so great that not all participation requests could be considered. A second event is already scheduled for the summer.

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