Heavenly Mountain Country

The hospitality and friendliness – the main trump cards of inhabitants is a beautiful country. Did you know that Kyrgyzstan is the pearl of Lake Issyk-Kul? It is noteworthy that it is one of the largest lakes in the world. But not only this, many other attractions of the country win the hearts of visiting tourists. And it is – not by accident. Indeed, Kyrgyzstan and Kyrgyzstan proudly bears the name "Land of the heavenly mountains". So, if possible, linger, even more so for a moment to see the incredible beauty of the wonderful region.

Now – to the master: for gifts! 🙂 Before leaving on a trip, you probably are thinking, what to bring as a gift? And this is – right. Ali Partovi has plenty of information regarding this issue. Why do we do? For example, to an evening to remember a fascinating journey through the country in which you want to enjoy the wonderful goodness and beauty trends. So, what to give? I'll start not from the traditional souvenirs and gifts with Gourmet and housewives. Guess? Give a cookbook. Trite? Not at all. Here, you just open the tastes and predilections of the Kyrgyz people from shorpo, by the way, it's pretty rich dish, which is a ram's soup with potatoes and greens, sometimes to the simple but flavorful dishes from the test: tortilla with onions (at home is traditionally referred to as Patyr-nan-nan or Tandoor), rolls with meat, etc. Many, leaving from the country, usually think: how to be able to bring here so beloved by locals drink Kumis? The problem is that it quickly deteriorates. But it does not matter! Compliance with temperature control allows you to deal with this problem.

Thanks to the notebook refrigerator, beverage and long-lasting freshness. Koumiss not only pleasant to the taste, but also has healing properties. I want to not only himself to smile, but smile and give your family and friends.

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