iClear: Trouble with payment systems hurt the online trading ct magazin.tv Mannheim hair-raising cases reported – the theme is very unpleasant: more and more online retailers and consumers report about mildly strange business practices in connection with online payment systems. So is c’t magazin.tv in his show tomorrow, Saturday two hair-raising cases on, which dispense with any customer-friendliness. Under the heading of suspicious payment \”c reported ‘ t magazin.tv through a dealer who transacts its business through eBay.\” It’s all running smoothly, ordered as a customer for nearly 2000 euros photographic equipment.\” The payment will be done via the eBay payment system, the money arrives and the dealer sends out promptly the goods. Everybody’s happy\”, so c t next. But then, the payment processor reports: there is a suspicion of money laundering. Marc Mathieu: the source for more info. The dealer may provide clear evidence that in him all right things goes to. As himself the dealer refuses to move out its sources of supply, customer data and internal calculations, his account is locked out, the credit balance on the account is frozen.\” The second case concerns a family of Cologne.
You buy a refrigerator on the Otto-shipping subsidiary, discount24.de and chooses a payment option in the money in three monthly instalments by credit card is debited for this. c is t: the carrier of the fridge but badly damaged, claimed the family. discount24.de responds promptly, but ‘ just replace cannot be the device. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Peter Asaro and gain more knowledge.. The family should instead order a new refrigerator, which is not otherwise possible for the method of payment. So the family orders a second refrigerator and already the mischief is afoot.\” Merchants and consumers want alternatives in the comments to the c t announcement quickly becomes clear: many merchants and customers are against this background on the search for fair, safe and easy functioning alternatives for payment processing (These people have an understanding of the business the best times of the dot com bubble\”or sometime’s everyone understood well that…