In general, the organizational plan of the project should include the following sections: 1. The organizational plan of the project (organizational model of the project, project participants, their interaction, organizational structure, which will implement the operational activity) 2. Description of business project initiator (historical background, industry activity, prospects of development, the governing bodies) 3. Project Management Unit (who, education, work experience, skills) 4. Description of the structure and business processes management company. Following the development of investment and operational plans of the project are calculated needs to project financing (PF). pf = Investments + Current Assets.
Investments are formed in investment plan. Revolving funds are automatically calculated in accordance with the terms of the operational plan. 7. Financial plan. Financial section of the project is intended to describe the procedures for funding investment costs and the formation of working capital. As a result, the project proponent has to understand – how and under what conditions will be funding the project. Project financial plan should include the following sections: 1.
Economic environment of the project (refinancing, currency rates, discount rate) 2. Description of the sources of project financing (equity, budget, credit, leasing, own profits, depreciation, and other sources). 3. Terms of financing the project (deadlines for the receipt of funds, return policy, terms of service, warranty) 4. The structure of income distribution. 5. Exemptions from Taxation (if any). After calculating the financial viability of the project model can be estimated from the tables: * cash flow * of the Profit and Loss Account, Balance *, * financial ratios (for more refined analysis of the projected financial and economic activity) * Integral indicators (net present value, payback period, internal rate of return on investments, the index of profitability of investment) 8.Analiz project is part of the project is intended to analyze the project model by changing the values of the most important parameters of the project.