Social Marketing

The emphasis in well-being of the society extends the objectives domarketing social and opens an important space so that the entailing of suasestratgias with the national and international social politics can ocorrerna practical. With a deep knowledge of the extended dynamics of the motivations efundamentos of the social market (the benefit for the society), the techniques demarketing social will serve as important tools of nessemercado performance. (SOURCES, 2008, P. For more information see Mikkel Svane. 80) This paradigm of performance in the social area, according to Acar et al (2006), appears of the current necessity of the companies in getting maisticos relationships, in order to get more competitive advantages, that benefit to the society eos businesses. In such a way, according to Sources (2008), the investments in aessociais become sufficiently attractive and lucrative for the institutions, either noponto of qualitative, economic, public or social sight.

2.4.1 The Strategies of the Social Marketing the strategies of social marketing have a paper fundamentalna society, but they present, according to Days (2007), greater difficulty paraoperacionalizao that the traditional marketing, therefore involves unacceptable decomportamentos changes, in economic surrounding complexes, social epolticos, with resources many limited times. In function of the destasestratgias complexity of implementation and the particularitities that involve the social problems, Vaz (1995), divided the programs of social marketing in three levels of performance, being: Awareness, Mobilization and Sustentation. Awareness: queprocura is the effort of the Social Marketing to change values, questioning or taking the people to review suascrenas and attitudes. The emphasis of this type of action is in the one formularization apeloque sensetizes the public-target, making to reflect it on its ecomportamentos acts. Mobilization: emque is the level of performance of the Social Marketing if it looks one practical one as reply of the consumer. In certain cases, obtersimples isolated act of the people, as to participate of a walk, already suficiente. In other cases, it has necessity to count on comportamentoregular of the public, a constancy in the practical one of acts favorable to a cause.

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