IT trends, innovations and results (29/30 January 2013) Leipzig, February 2013: The second annual meeting of the software forums took place on January 29-30, 2013 in Leipzig and was a reference to the success in 2012. A total of 10 speakers discussed with the plenary about current IT topics and future challenges. Prof. Dr. Andreas Gadatsch of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University opened the first day of the event with the thesis of the CIO is abolished!”and presented the latest trends in the information and process management. Matilde Anello, head of global enterprise architecture at Novartis Pharma AG, examined in her post the impact of new business models such as cloud computing, big data, social networks and mobile devices on the IT strategy and the EAM.
In his post of new school of IT”, stressed Prof. Dr. Volker Gruhn this significant impact on existing IT processes and organizations of the University of Duisburg-Essen again and pleaded for a new agility, mobility and elasticity in the software development process as a whole. Thomas Haller, senior business consultant at Swisscom IT AG, the future presented his vision of a workplace in the last post of the day, gave an overview of workplace trends services and showed on the future challenges for the IT Department. Participants at the cosy end with Spanish flair in the Cafe Madrid met in the evening. Dr. Andre Kohler, Managing Director of Leipzig GmbH software forums a retrospective of the most important topics and discussions of the software forums user groups were the second day of the event in 2012. Then Dr.
Thorsten Weyer yet once highly entertaining presented by the University of Duisburg-Essen, why agile practices often fail to textbook and what actually means agiles requirements engineering for him. In the following post were Axel Panten, head of basic systems infrastructure at the R + V Versicherung AG, and Pavlo Baron, lead architect at codecentric AG, a debate on the subject of continuous delivery and discussed based on exciting theories with the audience. Lothar Engelke, Managing Director of infrastructure at the ITERGO GmbH, taking the audience on a journey into the IT infrastructure by 2020 matching and spoke about new trends in this area, to make. “With two theses on the security in the context of cloud computing made in Europe” Sascha Kremer, LLR Lerlotz Laschet lawyers, and Dominik Birk decided the second day of the event. The Software Forum annual meeting was supported by the exhibitors cqc corporate quality consulting GmbH, Fraunhofer IESE and TRICENTIS technology & Consulting GmbH and our media partners dpunkt.verlag GmbH, future thinking and SIGS DATACOM GmbH. We appreciate the positive feedback of from participants and establish it on 11/12 March 2014. More information about the event: goto / annual meeting contact person: Manuela Heinze team network and event T + 49 (0) 3 41 / 124 55-63 over Leipzig software forums: the software forums Leipzig, a spin-off from the University of Leipzig, build an interdisciplinary IT network, to enable the transfer of knowledge and the professional exchange between business and science, to promote and to support. In close cooperation with renowned universities and research institutions offer modern know-how for the development of software in various event formats, report on results from the international research scene and show best practices. Is aimed at technical and senior management moderated Exchange in the industry and promoted.