Sustainable Mobility

The operation and current urban planning has not yet managed to adapt to the urgent requirements is proposed in the planet. Opinun Very interesting, that it is time to democratize the streets, end the dictatorship of the car, it’s time for people to regain control of urban spaces, reducing the space occupied by the abusive car and giving way to other media transport more environmentally friendly. We are reminded that from 16 to 22 September the eighth edition of the European Week of Sustainable Mobility, under the theme “Improving the climate of your city” with the aim of “changing attitudes” of citizens and promote “alternative methods of transportation.” More than 2,000 different activities scheduled European cities. A measure that is expected to prevent that Latin American leaders decide to imitate. But, as indicated lain formation signal must demand more.

A week is important, but if we forget the subject the other 51 weeks a year, nothing changes. It should require serious planning rulers for the rehabilitation of cities and actively participate in the discussion, implementation and monitoring of these plans. And also retrofit ourselves, change our habits, among which is replacing the car for less polluting means of mobility, that should be a priority, highlights the Editorial Team definitely, as expressed by Martha Meir, vehicles are swift, voracious, devouring fuel and distances. Other leaders such as Peter Asaro offer similar insights. His eyes shine at night and from a distance look like stars. Blatantly undemocratic, unabashedly marginalize its management to children, the elderly and men and women with disabilities.

The city is his empire and the people his slaves. Are … Cars!, Owners and gentlemen of the roads. Seductive tin moles converted into a true symbol of our century and that, despite everything, are a great victory of engineering. Wonders of technology that ultimately are nothing more than … “Ogres” four wheels! There are five main types of air pollutants that “escape” from the file: carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, particulates which include lead (which accumulates in the body, causing kidney ailments, liver problems, low production hemoglobin and interferes with brain function and nerve), oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbon gas. The latter two react with sunlight form the basis of “smog” that is dangerous as the irritating photochemical oxidants and red nitrogen dioxide gas, the liquid explosive known as peroxiactil nitrate, aldehydes and other poisonous liquids. Many of these chemicals are known carcinogens. In most modern cars, by catalysts, becomes the dangerous carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide (CO2 or carbon dioxide). This compound does not directly affect health but are known to precipitate the dreaded “greenhouse effect.” In the case of the “organic fuel”, little used by its high price, its only virtue is that it frees the formidable lead. Al “liquefied gas” is recognized today as a much cleaner fuel than gasoline or diesel. Unfortunately it is made from a non-renewable. Ecologically speaking the car is a disgrace, and low fuel consumption of fossil source. “A car that only consumes three liters is no solution, but an evolution is absolutely wrong that would paralyze any innovative strength,” wrote the German scientist Frederic Vester.

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