Tag Archives: politics

Manchester Almighty Football Team

Daniel Matthew 20 m striker asks to Atletico to negotiate his departure of the rojiblanco club. Some months ago the suitors rain to the Argentine. Real Madrid, Barca, City, Juventus or Chelsea could be back. Enrique Cerezo, on the other … Continue reading

Insolvency Management

On > direction gives courage for steps out of the crisis in the media beat over the negative headlines: drastic export slump, jobs in jeopardy, company bankrupt, more and more Hartz 4 receiver. For many people remain abstract messages, they … Continue reading

Pirate Party Informed About ELENA

On Saturday, the party in six Hessian cities of unacceptable data retention on the Pirate Party deems unconstitutional the electronic proof of income (ELENA) and calls for the abolition of the law clarifies. To educate citizens about the carried out … Continue reading

Children are our future

Wuppertal-based Junior University is according to the motto “Children are our future” that children are our future, is often only a phrase from rhetoric. Our junior Wuppertal-based University, however, fills them with life, says Bernhard Simon, Chairman of the CDU … Continue reading

Press Department Thomas Reichelt Lotex

Originally posted at the end. This is an indictment. Not more. A complete declaration of bankruptcy of the self appointed guardians of competition law”. The response to our request notes that both the competition centres as also the German industry … Continue reading

In Germany

Immigration Office wants this woman pushing off in the country where she has no way to live. No House, no money, no family, no friends, no work because they She can no longer work in Russia because of your age … Continue reading