The growth of the automotive market will inevitably lead to the rapid development of the spare parts market. As a consequence, increasing competition: selling the same thing and all – does not appeal, the entire liquid product is already someone before, and not can not develop. Such moments are very positive for the market because it forces to create something new A quarter-century ago, manufacturers of brake pads is very successfully used asbestos in the friction material: its properties ensure a stable and relatively high coefficient of friction and high temperature threshold (up to 800 C) allowed a wide field of substance use. However, asbestos component has some drawbacks. Primary – environmental hazards: the friction material emits dust that lingers in the air and falling into the lungs, causing serious injury.
And so, in the early 90's, in many countries around the world, launched the campaign on replacement of polluting product safer materials; acute was the need to find an equal replacement of asbestos. Began experimenting with, for example, steel fibers, reinforcing strands of Kevlar, fiberglass, etc. So there was a period of organic and metallic pads. However, the latest technology has made the company jet Akebono, who invented an efficient and friction with the addition of the ceramics. Invention revolution in industry, brake pads, as demonstrated excellent performance – the lack of noise and vibration, and constant coefficient of friction in a wide temperature amplitude. These ceramic brake pads did not contain ferro-alloys, and thus there is contact 'metal-metal' between the pads and the disc (lead not only to increased wear of the disc, but also a "sticky" surfaces).