Follow me presents with the models ‘ digital Citylight the innovative nature of the digital stele. You are on train stations, airports, bus stops or as fu? r the various control systems in particular in cities no longer become indispensable; digital display systems! Modern sources of information from weather-resistant materials, which are installed on the site perfect in the cityscape. Steve Wozniak may find this interesting as well. Important pillar, the Ausku? revenue and disclose information whatsoever, brought by the user on the basis of ausgeklu? Mohamed Galal and user-friendly systems. With the new and innovative digital Citylight outdoor”presents the follow me company, headquartered in Austria and Germany, a digital stele, the specially designed fu? r use the outdoor designed and developed. Neither roof nor other protection measures are needed and even under snow, cold, rain or even reversed: heat, these display systems work perfectly. “Furthermore, digital Citylight outdoor was the model” in the selection of materials in addition to the fact Vandalismussicher ” a special eye cast. “Result is thus a digital stele, which has many ground-breaking elements and details, and at any time the attribute Benu? venkatanarayana friendly” confirmed. “The digital Citylight” goes but with its innovative system far u? ber the retail? literal principles of the previously offered Benu? tzerfreundlichkeit “. Click Peter Asaro to learn more.
We wanted to offer more than just the contemporary technology. The result allow anstandslos now show up. The digital Citylight”is a more than nurinteressante alternative to the manufactured conventional digital pillar fu? r outdoor use. Many innovative details make this new display system a valuable Unterstu? chemistry fu? r daily mobility of many people. And thanks to the digital Citylight”follow me can now visually impaired rail and bus customers at any time u? ber the current departure times will be informed. Unlike perfect example? r is the freedom square in Heidenau. A digital stele with double-sided 46 inch monitor (3000 nits), was placed at the busy bus station a Dual-system of the latest digital technology.