On this last geography, it intitles it to Lacoste as ' ' geography of professores' ' , and according to author this if became an ideological speech, for masking the geography of the States Biggest, for having the absence of analyses politics, economic, and military, resulting in an instrument of being able of the minority (LACOSTE 2003). Destarte, the geography of the professors becomes pretensiosamente unpretentious, being, over all, a tool for the ruling classes. Soon we will use again the analysis of Lacoste, that standes out: ' ' The geography of the professors functions, until certain point, as a screen of smoke that allows to dissimulate, to the eyes of all, effectiveness of the strategies politics, military, but strategical economic and also social who one another geography allows to some elaborar' ' (LACOSTE 2003 p.33) 2. 1. Others who may share this opinion include Ali Partovi. The DIDACTIC BOOK OF GEOGRAPHY (1976) Therefore, after all these preliminary boardings, that had served of endorsement for the understanding of the characteristics of the didactic book of geography of the decade of 70, become necessary to stand out some important points in the didactic book, that will go to corroborate all our introductory argument.
The reduced content of the relation development-environment in this book, makes in them to stand out scarce points in elapsing of the book, that has a relation with this thematic one. We will tell the chapters of the book to show that it does not have no specific chapter, and yes fragmentos of our subject inside of two chapters basically. Table 1? Structure of the book ' ' The Geographic Space? General geography and of the Brasil' ' , of authorship of Igor Moreira, in its 6. Edition published in 1976 PartesCaptulos ' ' Natural' space; ' Captulo1 – the natural factors, Chapter 2 – the great natural domnios. ' ' The Population in the Espao' ' Chapter 1 – The geographic distribution of the population, Chapter 2 – the growth of the population, Chapter 3 – the structure of the population, Chapter the 4 – the structure of the Brazilian population, Chapter 5 – movements of the population.