Tag Archives: construction and repair

Building Materials: Brick

According to the dictionary, a brick – it is an artificial stone produced in the form of bars of clay. Bricks used for construction of buildings. Depending on the composition and technology of brick is clay and calcium silicate. Produce … Continue reading

Technology Asphalting Roads

All work associated with road construction in our country is carried out according to established norms (SNIP). They said that the asphalt must be made at not less than five degrees, as in lower temperature layer of hot asphalt cools … Continue reading

Carrying Out Control Measurements

Check the volume of the hidden works (covered with the foundations, construction of floors, roads, trenches stacked in their pipelines, etc.) produced by acts of the hidden works. In the absence of a construction of such acts volume of work … Continue reading

New Windows Installation

With almost 100 protsentnoynoy guarantee it can be argued that any person at least once in their lives during the winter thinking about: 'Why home or at work so cold? ". The answer to this question lies in the draft. … Continue reading